Utilize Coventry’s expertise to find the most cost-effective waste transport and disposal options. Our team will provide your company with the options it needs during the decision making process to choose the best suited waste transport and disposal to meet your requirements. Our size and experience allows us the flexibility to provide management of waste streams with varied scopes and magnitudes, from the large scale hazardous soil disposal to a single non-hazardous drum pick-up. Coventry will research and find efficiencies to reduce waste liabilities and alternatives to traditional disposal technologies.
Coventry performs turnkey waste management services for clients representing an array of different industries including consulting/engineering firms in support of remedial efforts, healthcare, pharmaceutical, manufacturing, energy utility, financial institutions, municipalities, educational and retail fuel.
- Hazardous & Non-Hazardous Soil & Water Transport & Disposal
- Hazardous & Non-Hazardous Drummed Waste Transport & Disposal
- Investigative Derived Waste (IDW) Management
- Portable Temporary Storage Tanks & Containers
- Vacuum Truck & Tanker Services
- Lab Packing Services